Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Cherree

I have no idea why I posted that title. Perhaps because it's from Mary Poppins and she reminds me of a maid who cleans all the time? Anyways, this post is about the new cleaning schedule I just made. I've been meaning to sit down and do it for weeks now. And I've gotten as far as pinning 10-15 different examples about 5 different times, but it kept coming back to needing to do something more tailored to my specific needs. And then I tried sitting down and just writing something out, but I kept trying to move chores around to different days based on work load and which days are my busiest and which I have more time on, and it just ended up a mess. So to solve all of that, I got out my handy dandy sticky notes, cut those bad boys into thirds, wrote out a chore on each, and then went to town moving them around from day to day until I ended up with a weekly schedule that was fairly balanced day to day but left Thursdays and Fridays a little lighter since those tend to be my busy days of the week, and also accounted for cleaning before LifeGroup on Sundays and after LifeGroup on Mondays. Alas, I give you: The Weekly Cleaning Schedule.

Isn't it cute?! The plan is to laminate it and stick it up on the fridge and then check off those nifty little check boxes each time I complete one of the chores. Here goes nothing! (I have the sneaking suspicion that the fun in this little project came so much more from the designing and creating of the chart rather than from the actual execution. Ah, such is the life of a SAHM!)

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